Sunday, March 31, 2013

Asking Alexandria - Stand Up and Scream Album Review (Top 5)

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Latinmetalhead's Top 5

1. "Alerion" The first time I heard this song, I was in the library and I started unconsciously headbanging so hard that people started looking at me. Did I care?No. As the first track on the album, "Alerion" will make you want to listen to the entire album from start to finish. Starting with some electronic beats and then moving into heavy drums/guitar, the tempo switches towards the end with some nice, clean riffs and Danny Worsnop screaming, "Karma's a bitch, right?" So right.
Rating: 4/5

2. "The Final Episode (Let's Change the Channel)" I absolutely love this song. Worsnop kills the vocals and the guitar riffs are amazing. "If only he knew...If only he knew about the world without the bullshit and the lies, they could've saved him, they could've saved me..."is a great line as well not only in terms of lyric structure but in the way that Worsnop's voice stands out. I also thought the electronic/dance mix thrown in towards the end of the song was a nice touch and made for a more interesting song (which is also included in a lot of the other songs on the album). The music video is also a must-see.
Rating: 4.5/5

3. "A Prophecy"
This is one of the absolute best songs on the album, and the music video definitely captures the energy of it as well. It gives you a slight sense of hope, especially in the line: "show stubborn are the scars when they won't fade away? Or just a gentle reminder that now are better days..." Somehow I think that this song can just instantly resonant with people, and once again the vocals and riffs in this song cannot be beat.
Rating: 4.5/5

4. "A Candlelit Dinner With Inamorta"
Overall, this is a solid song with some catchy growls and vocals. I'm not a big fan of the chorus, but all songs can't be perfect. This is one of those songs for taking out your anger because of a fight in a relationship or otherwise ("What hurts the most is that you lied right to my face"). While not an amazing song, it deserves some credit, especially for the nice intro vocals.
Rating: 3/5

5. "If You Can't Ride Two Horses at Once...You Should Get Out of the Circus "
With the gradual changing tempo and electronic bits thrown in, this song basically defines the band's style on this album. What is great about this song, like others, is that it is so unpredictable when you hear it for the first time, but it just makes you want to listen to it over again to be able to sing along to lyrics like "I was made to make you smile." Around 2 and a half minutes into the song, it almost seems like it's a different song as the tempo slows down, but it really complements the first part of the song. In general, a really decent song.
Rating: 4/5
I hope this review was insightful, more coming soon!



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