Thursday, March 28, 2013

My Crazy Adventure

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Today, I went on the longest walk/run of my life all the way around Lake Monona in Madison. My friend and I were trying to get some exercise in since it was such a nice day outside, but what seemed like a short run by the lake turned into walking for hours on end and ending up in the city of Monona on the other side of the lake. When we first started out running, it was such a nice day outside that we didn't realize how far away from the house we were actually running, until we reached a sign that read: "Welcome to the city of Monona." At that point, we knew we had gone way too far.
As we looked out towards the lake, the Capitol and the city of Madison looked tiny and extremely far away. Lucky for us, however, the lake was frozen and we contemplated walking straight across it back to Madison. It wasn't until we had walked for another half an hour, however, that I actually agreed to walk across it because I feared the ice was too thin and we would fall through into the icy cold water. But we walked all the way across it anyway, and to my surprise, we hardly ever touched the water.
After another hour of tiptoeing across the snow-covered ice, we finally made it back to land (or, civilization, as I called it), and we were so happy. After that, I vowed never ever walk that far again.
Hope you enjoyed the little story :)


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