Hey everyone.
Since this is my first blog post (ever), I just wanted to talk a little about myself and give you guys some background info. I'm a sophomore at UW-Madison, and as you could probably tell by the name of the blog, I'm of course a "Latina girl." I'll start off by saying that before I came to college, I hardly even noticed that I wasn't white because all of my close friends were white and I was always treated the same as others...it just was something I never really thought about. Now, in college at UW-Madison, I've begun to experience a sort of "cultural shock," if you will, as all the lecture halls are filled with a majority white class, with maybe one or two non-white students. When you're in high school, you might not notice it, but when you're in a room with over 200 people who all share the same skin color, you tend to stand out. I feel I'm still treated the same respect and I have no problem with any of these people, but it has made me realize how small of a minority nonwhites really are here on campus.
Anyway, I'll also mention that I have a very distinct music taste. Contrary to popular belief, no, I do not enjoy most forms of rap or hip-hop, especially contemporary artists with ridiculous names that I do not care to mention in this blog post at all. Nor do I have any idea how to dance to Latin music (e.g., salsa). But that embarrassing fact will be saved for later discussion. Besides most rap and hip-hop (although I do enjoy Eminem), I like all other genres of music (yes, even some country I can tolerate). What I find most amusing and that I always get a kick out of is that most people, upon seeing me or meeting me, have absolutely no idea that I'm a total metalhead and that I've gone to dozens of metal concerts where I've participated in mosh pits, such as Children of Bodom, Rammstein, Korn, Trivium, and Five Finger Death Punch, among others. I think it's hilarious how shocked their faces look when I tell them this, especially because I'm a 97-lb girl. Anyway, another important fact is that one of my favorite bands is Nirvana. Always. Forever. Favorite album? Probably In Utero, although all of them were excellent. I will not name a favorite song at this time because that, as many Nirvana fans know, is extremely difficult and would take hours to decide.
I'll talk about many other bands and give some album reviews as well in later blog posts, so stay tuned.
My other interests are odd in that they have absolutely nothing to do with each other but they include: cars (especially Mustangs), piano, food (if you don't like food, seriously don't even read this), and makeup (hey, I'm still a girl). So if you have any similar interests or are just looking to be entertained on a daily basis, I'm sure this blog will not disappoint you.
Stay tuned!
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